Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit

Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit

Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit

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Biotium products are distributed only in Singapore and Thailand.

Quantify live cell numbers based on their endogenous esterase activity and plasma membrane integrity using green fluorescence. For microplate reader, microscopy, or flow cytometry.

Apoptosis/viability marker Metabolic activity, Live cell stain
For live or fixed cells For live/intact cells
Detection method/readout Microplate reader (fluorescence), Fluorescence microscopy, Live cell imaging, Flow cytometry
Assay type/options Short term staining (<24h), Endpoint assay
Colors Green
Excitation/Emission 485/530 nm (end product)
Storage Conditions Store at -10 to -35 °C, Protect from light, Desiccate
ViaFluor®  SE Cell Proliferation Kits use amine-reactive dyes to covalently label cells throughout the cell cytoplasm and intracellular compartments for fixable fluorescent staining. Cell proliferation dyes are commonly used to monitor cell division by flow cytometry. The dyes also can be used to stably label cells to image cell morphology, or to track cell populations in mixed co-culture experiments.

