Customized Breeding services

Customized Breeding services

We use comprehensive colony management systems to provide real-time electronic recording of colony status with single-animal resolution.

GemPharmatech has more than 12 years of full AAALAC accreditation, with more than ten years of custom breeding experience, serving renowned research institutions world-wide. We use comprehensive colony management systems to provide real-time electronic recording of colony status with single-animal resolution. We treat animals humanely and care about their health and well-being.

In the US, we partner with some of the most highly respected companies and institutions in the mouse business to support our production. Animal care and veterinary services ensure the best quality animals are provided to our customers.


Customized Mice Breeding Services

If you do not have the time, staff, space, or resources to manage your own mouse colonies, GemPharmatech’s customized mouse breeding service provides the solution. Given the needs for your research program, GemPharmatech will design a detailed breeding plan, maintain the most reasonable breeding scale, and provide the cohort at the right time and right size, so you can focus on your research.

Our experts design breeding strategies for you and carry them out quickly, with excellent quality.

  • The leading professional mouse breeding service provider in China
  • More than ten years of breeding experience
  • Global client base of well-known research organizations, biotechnology companies, and pharmaceutical companies
  • State-of-the-art facility with professional monitoring system and management staff who ensures the cleanliness of the premise and quality of the animals
  • Exemplary colony management methods, with a professional project management system and real-time monitoring of the mouse breeding process

As one of China’s earliest large-scale semi-automated mouse production facilities, our animal facilities were designed with energy conservation, automation, and multi-functionality in mind. The building area of the facility is over 10,000 m2, housing more than 140,000 mouse cages, all of which are barrier facilities with an air-cleaness level of 7. The entire animal facility is highly automated, utilizing a customized air conditioning automatic control system with Siemens and other imported temperature and humidity sensors, wind speed sensors, and controllers to achieve intelligent and accurate control of animal room temperature and humidity, pressure, and other environmental conditions. Using a ground-source heat pump to supply energy to the building’s air conditioning system results in up to a 50% reduction in energy use. For mouse husbandry and breeding, a barrier system with an IVC/IVU housing system and an automatic drinking mechanism is employed, while the IVC/IVU system adopting a centralized air supply and exhaust independent of the barrier system. The facilities are split into production, experimentation, isolation, and quarantine areas. Stringent control is implemented over workflow, logistics, and animal movement.

Management system: We employ the professional mouse management software EAMS system, which is fully functional, uses PDA clients simultaneously, and includes a unique chip identification system on each mouse cage to communicate mouse breeding data in real-time.

Breeding environment: Breeding rooms maintain a positive pressure system, the temperature is maintained between 20° and 26 ℃, the relative humidity is kept between 40% and 70%, and the noise level is less than 60 dB. The light cycle is 12h/ 12h, and the room is regularly cleaned and disinfected.

Quality Control: A veterinary staff team with extensive experience and professional expertise are responsible for the lab-animal quality assurance system. Through rigorous quality control in the veterinary department, we deliver laboratory animals that exceed national and international criteria for quality. Methods for evaluating animal health include pathology, microbiology, and parasitology, etc.

Cryopreservation and Resuscitation

GemPharmatech cryopreserves genetic material of mice in liquid nitrogen using specific protective measures and cooling procedures to achieve long-term stable preservation. This allows us to reduce the space and cost required to maintain live colonies and prevent the loss of valuable mouse strains due to environmental constraints or diseases. We can recover frozen sperm or embryos and transfer fertilized embryos into pseudo-pregnant mice (fallopian or uterine transfer). After success recovery of the strain, we keep detailed record of the litter, and arrange genotype identification and appropriate health testing to provide the customer with SPF-grade offspring.

GemPharmatech offers world class recover efficiency with sperm freezing and recovery rates above 70% and embryo freezing and recovery rates above 95%.

Our facilities have high-capacity gas-phase liquid nitrogen tanks for cryostorage, eliminating cross-contamination between samples. Our system has automatic filling, an early warning system, and regional and hierarchical preservation effectively ensuring the safety of samples.

Resuscitated offspring can directly respond to customized breeding services and work on a defined schedule.

Cryopreservation Method Sperm cryopreservation & resuscitation Embryo cryopreservation & resuscitation
Quantity of mice used 3 fertile adult males 3 fertile adult males and 30-40 females
Amount of genetic material Cryopreservation of more than 20 vials of sperm Cryopreservation of approximately 400 embryos with 30-40 embryos per vial
Technical features After sperm resuscitation, IVF allows for the rapid production of large number of offspring of the same DOB. Embryos can be transferred directly after resuscitation without the need for an IVF procedure.
Suitable for heterozygous or homozygous breeding strains. Suitable for breeding single or multiple gene homozygous or pure inbred background strains.
Experience Nearly 5,000 strains of sperm cryopreserved Nearly 1,400 strains of embryo cryopreserved

Assisted Reproduction

Assisted reproductive techniques can recover infertile strains caused by aging, microbial infections, malformed or aberrant development of reproductive organs, and phenotypes that causes mating difficulties.

Standard assisted reproductive techniques include in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic single sperm injection, intracytoplasmic round sperm injection, and ovarian transplantation.

Greater than 95% success rate restoring reproductive function in female mice.

Live offspring can be delivered to clients for further breeding.

In addition to traditional in vitro fertilization and ovarian transplantation techniques, single sperm injection and round sperm injection are alternative options based on the condition of the male mouse.

Thorough evaluation of the parental genotypes to ensure a high proportion of healthy offspring.

Depending on the many challenges encountered throughout the mouse breeding process, the following measures are available:

Problems in the breeding process Measures Applicable age rage (weeks)
Male mice of reproductive age are unwilling to mate. In vitro fertilization + embryo transfer > 8 weeks
Sudden death of mature male mice Removal of the epididymis (stored at 4°C) + in vitro fertilization + embryo transfer > 8 weeks
Male mice with low sperm motility, small sperm, and inactive sperm. Single sperm injection (ICSI) + embryo transfer > 8 weeks
Death of immature male mice Round sperm injection + embryo transfer 3 – 8weeks
Female mice are infertil Ovarian transfer > 6 weeks
Sudden death of female mice Ovary retrieval (stored at 4℃) + ovaria transfer > 2 weeks
Rapid colony expansion and strain microbial purification are required. In vitro fertilization + embryo transfer > 6 weeks

Mouse Rederivation Service

Mice infected with pathological bacteria, viruses, and internal and external parasites pose a health risk to other animals in the same facility. For animal welfare purposes, taking advantage of the barrier effect of the zona pellucida of fertilized oocytes, embryology techniques such as in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer can be used to remove pathogens and upgrade such colonies to SPF health status. This method of biological purification also can be used to accomplish rapid expansion of the desired mouse strain to match the need of the downstream experiment.

GemPharmatech has over ten years of experience and expertise in biological purification

3000 batches of biological purification have been completed. 100% success rate in offering at least three SPF offspring with desired genotype.

Many rederived offspring have been successfully transferred to the client facility for continued breeding.

We provide genotyping service for parental and offspring mice to assure correct identification of the desired offspring.

For more information, please contact us [email protected]

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