

Pertuzumab anti-HER2) a humanized monoclonal antibody and the first in the class of agents called the HER2 dimerization inhibitors impairs the ability of HER2 to bind to other members of the HER family.


[accordion title= “Animal Research“]

Objective: In vivo tumor growth inhibition studies. Formulation: saline. Dosages: 20 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg




[accordion title= “Chemical Properties“]

Molecular Weight 148 kDa
CAS No. 380610-27-5




[accordion title= “References and Literature“]

1. Sakai K, et al. Pertuzumab, a novel HER dimerization inhibitor, inhibits the growth of human lung cancer cells mediated by the HER3 signaling pathway. Cancer Sci.2007 Sep;98(9):1498-503.2. Yamashita-Kashima Y, et al. Pertuzumab in combination with trastuzumab shows significantly enhanced antitumor activity in HER2-positive human gastric cancer xenograft models. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Aug 1;17(15):5060-70.3. Franklin MC, et al. Insights into ErbB signaling from the structure of the ErbB2-pertuzumab complex. Cancer Cell. 2004 Apr;5(4):317-28.
