Mix-n-Stain™  Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits

Mix-n-Stain™  Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits

Mix-n-Stain™  Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits

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Label up to 100 ug of your antibody with HRP, alkaline phosphatase, or glucose oxidase with minimal hands-on time and no purification step.

Product Description

Mix-n-Stain™ Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits allow you to easily conjugate up to 100 ug of your antibody to a detection enzyme with minimal hands-on time and no purification.

  • Label 5-20 ug, 20-50 ug, or 50-100 ug Ab
  • Choice of HRP, AP, or glucose oxidase
  • Labeling takes a few hours with minimal hands-on time
  • No purification, 100% recovery

Unrivaled Convenience

Mix-n-Stain™ Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits are a revolutionary antibody labeling technology that allows you to covalently conjugate up to 100 ug of your antibody with a detection enzyme with minimal hands-on time and no purification step. The labeling procedure tolerates many common buffer components and antibody stabilizers.

Choose the Right Labeling Kit for Your Antibody

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugates can be used for Western blot, ELISA, immunohistochemistry and other standard immunoassay applications.  The enzyme label can be visualized with chromogenic substrates such as DAB, ABTS, TMB and TMBUS in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Label 10-20 ug, 25-50 ug, or 50-100 ug of antibody in about 3 hours.

Glucose oxidase (GOx) is an enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of glucose with the release of hydrogen peroxide. Label 25-50 ug, or 50-100 ug of antibody in 2 hours.

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) conjugates can be used for ELISA, immunohistochemistry and other standard immunoassay applications.  The enzyme label can be visualized with chromogenic substrates such as BCIP and PNPP as well as fluorogenic substrate such as MUP. Label 25-50 ug, or 50-100 ug of antibody in 2 hours.

We also offer Mix-n-Stain™ Kits for labeling antibodies, nanobodies, or small ligands with bright & photostable CF® dyes and other labels. See our full line of Antibody & Protein Labeling Kits.

Mix-n-Stain™ Enzyme Antibody Labeling Kits

Product description Catalog number Reaction size Product protocol Labeling time
Mix-n-Stain™ HRP Antibody Labeling Kit 92300 10-20 ug antibody
PI-Mix-n-Stain™ HRP
~3.5 hours (few minutes hands-on time)
92301 25-50 ug antibody
92302 50-100 ug antibody
Mix-n-Stain™ Alkaline Phosphatase Antibody Labeling Kit 92314 25-50 ug antibody
PI-Mix-n-Stain™ AP
~2 hours (few minutes hands-on time)
92315 50-100 ug antibody
Mix-n-Stain™ Glucose Oxidase Antibody Labeling Kit 92312 25-50 ug antibody
PI-Mix-n-Stain™ GOx
92313 50-100 ug antibody


Download a list of Mix-n-Stain™ references.

Product Attributes

Product origin Alkaline Phosphatase: Recombinant, E. coli, Glucose Oxidase: Aspergillus sp., HRP: Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)