LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains

LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains

LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains

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Product Description

Biotium products are distributed only in Singapore and Thailand.

LysoView™ dyes label lysosomes in live cells, and are available with blue, green, visible red, and far-red fluorescence, with dye options for super-resolution imaging by SIM and STED.


Dye LipidSpot™ 488, LipidSpot™ 610
Cellular localization Lipid droplets
For live or fixed cells For fixed cells, For live/intact cells
Assay type/options No-wash staining, Real-time imaging
Cell permeability Membrane permeant
Fixation options Fix after staining (formaldehyde), Permeabilize after staining, Fix before staining (formaldehyde)
Colors Green, Far-red

Intracellular lipid droplets are cytoplasmic organelles involved in the storage and regulation of triglycerides and cholesterol esters. LipidSpot™ dyes are fluorogenic neutral lipid stains that rapidly accumulate in lipid droplets, where they become brightly fluorescent. The dyes can be used to stain lipid droplets in both live and fixed cells, with no wash step required. Cells also can be fixed and permeabilized after staining. LipidSpot™ stains show minimal background staining of cellular membranes or other organelles, unlike traditional dyes like Nile Red.

LipidSpot™ 488 has excitation around 430 nm, and can be excited equally well at 405 nm or 488 nm. In cells, it stains lipid droplets with bright green fluorescence detectable in the FITC channel. LipidSpot™ 488 has been validated in super-resolution imaging by SIM (Ref. 3).

LipidSpot™ 610 has excitation/emission at ~592/638 nm in cells; it is optimally detected in the Texas Red® channel, but is also bright in the Cy®3 and far-red Cy®5 channels. Therefore, we don’t recommend pairing LipidSpot™ 610 with other red or far-red probes.


  • Rapidly and specifically stain lipid droplets
  • Stain live or fixed cells, or fix and permeabilize after staining
  • Available with green or red/far-red fluorescence
  • Supplied as 1000X stock solutions in DMSO

LipidSpot™ 488 stains intracellular membranes in yeast, but LipidSpot™ 610 does not. Both LipidSpot™ dyes can stain gram-positive bacteria, but not gram-negative bacteria. See our Cellular Stains Table for more information on how our dyes stain various organisms.

LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains

LipidSpot™ Stains Abs/Em Detection channel Catalog no. Size
LipidSpot™ 488 Lipid Droplet Stain,
1000X in DMSO
427/585 nm FITC, GFP 70065-T 20 uL
70065 125 uL
LipidSpot™ 610 Lipid Droplet Stain,
1000X in DMSO
610/663 (in vegetable oil)
~592/638 nm (in cells)
Texas Red® or Cy®5 70069-T 20 uL
70069 125 uL





PI-LipidSpot Stains






Supporting Documents

Cellular Stain Brochure