Transferrin (human) CF® Dye Conjugates

Transferrin (human) CF® Dye Conjugates

Transferrin (human) CF® Dye Conjugates

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Labeled human transferrin is used for microscopic studies of the endosomal pathway and/or transferrin uptake studies.


Cellular localization Membrane/vesicular
For live or fixed cells For live/intact cells
Assay type/options Real-time imaging
Cell permeability Membrane impermeant
Fixation options Fix after staining (formaldehyde), Permeabilize after staining, Fix before staining (formaldehyde)
Colors Green, Orange, Red, Far-red, Near-infrared

[accordion title=”Protocols”] PI-CF Transferrin [/accordion]


[accordion title=”SDS”] sds-CF dye Transferrin[/accordion]


[accordion title=”Supporting Documents”]CF Dyes quick Reference,

CF Dyes Brochure[/accordion]